Frat Guise

A+++++ comment would read again

My main problem with BBT is it's dumb as hell

If Zelda has taught me anything, it's that treasure is out there - you just have to randomly bomb rocky walls to find it.

You haven't lived until you've disturbed some nesting birds.

Oh yeah, forgot about Terriers.

Some shows are, some shows aren't.  I know when I watched the first (and only, meh) episode of Dexter, it was pristine (at least) DVD quality.

Have you punched your postal carrier recently?  That could explain it

I'm assuming he/she meant purchased DVDs with boxes.

For real, when are we getting Zombie Strippers on WI

Portlandia was an awesome new addition, but only 6 episodes.  I can't really get into Todd Margaret.

What is it?

Hey Netflix, how about you add some decent new shit to the streaming library, you dern sumbitch

Well then, I am the ultimate pool partier

My biggest problem with The Office is that it's no longer about the office.  The office microcosm is what makes the show believable and what makes the idiosyncrasies of the characters relatable and not just insane.

Shove it up your butt

Horsefellow come back!  This is a safe place!

Another win for Miklooooooooossss!

Horsefellow forever

Hey now, she was* just exhausted**

Or that you just don't care about cars and just want something reliable?