Frat Guise

IIRC, HDB is 30/early 30s.  At 28, I am completely uninterested in staying out late (later than midnight, say) during the week.

Apologies, but it seems as if you're dumb as hell.

The chicken dance is objectively and demonstrably more stupid than the rest of the songs on that list.

It's played at every wedding ever, and too early as some type of "get people dancing" ploy.  It stinks!

I usually do a bunch of meth and just totally freak out, but hey, to each his own.

The Chicken Dance is never ok, never fun.

I was hoping for tomorrow to be "Republican politicians dance awkwardly to popular music" day

Good stuff, up there with Rittenhouse in terms of value.

I've been a whiskey/whisky/bourbon man for quite a while, but I was running out of things to try in my price range.  Good quality 100% agave tequila has been a really nice new addition to my repertoire.

A legitimate alcohol thread

My "n" word is nipples

UPDATE:  Kids on lawn, geezers "mad as hell"


What world do you live in where those two things are mutually exlcusive

*Frat Guise takes off*

Non-famous people really can't afford to be "exhausted."

How important is tooth retention to you?

Get outta here man, you're wasted

Stairway to Freedom

He did flub a word or two and generally wasn't exactly hitting the notes, that's all it takes nowadays to get the internet all hot and bothered.