Frat Guise

We Built This Country (On Rock and Roll)

It's harvest time, bitches

Simple, yet excellent


What were you wearing at the time and what did you eat for lunch that day or it didn't happen

Wahlbergian failure

Where in the fuck did I say I was against those things?

My main problem is not that he hasn't kept many promises, it's that he hasn't kept the promises that I specifically voted for.

And televised healthcare negotiations, cheaper generic drugs for lower income people…

Or, if you absolutely HAVE to compromise, tell us why.

No, this show sucks, watch Parks & Rec 100 times instead.

Seriously, you liked it better than last week?

Buccaneer Cove?
Corsair Sound?
Marauder Inlet?

We gotta antler hipster here folks

My friend Terry is crazy, he wants to live in the desert.

Are you saying my University of Costa Dominica degree of Doctor of Human Surgery is a ripoff?

There is a possibility you have dead ears, mate.

^ fucking hates news on the Newswire!

I hate the practice of vendor (or country) specific/exclusive tracks.  Stop fucking up my track lists you jerks.

She had some serious vocal problems which lead to the really distinct
change from MEM to HOoM.  I think she had to really learn how to control
her voice to prevent permanent damage (hopefully I'm recalling the
story somewhat correctly).  That said, I love the warbly, crazy style of