Frat Guise

I dunno man, I love Milk-Eyed Mender.  Have One on Me does nothing for your old pal Frat Guise.

If you weren't a bitch I'd say that was the #1 post of the day


I know

Man that was a terrible episode.  What's up y'all!!

^^^ some serious high school bitterness right here y'all!!! ^^^

Stop infringing on me bro!

Despite your efforts to obfuscate the core issue, you're arguing against due process.  Period.

SOPA/PIPA may not pass, but there's a good chance they could be stashed away and attached to a future Stop Puppy Abuse Act (or whatever)

This is a good thread, and thorough

If sass-talking ewoks singing Katy Perry songs doesn't sound like a good time, you must not like to party

I'd put Deloused (slightly)> Frances but hey I like to party

They could have shouted "do a back flip, hurry!" that might have helped.

Can't beat that smooth Laurel Canyon Sound washing over you as your fucking brains are splattered on the windshield of a city bus.

The first Parks season is short, just smash through it.  Season 2 will properly reward you.

Yeah, cover "Little Drummer Boy" you hipster sumbitch!

Your loosing it bro!

Sip-sip-sing, all the way to the top baby!

The video for the series is saved on a really tiny hard drive.

But the beauty of the Sellers Panther movies wasn't purely in the slapstick - there are so many amazingly funny, dry exchanges that perfectly complement the physical comedy.  Such as: