Frat Guise

The "you only looked fat in the photo" gambit never works

Andy laughing at Pistol Pete falling on the ice was cartoonish but also fucking hilarious.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus - my take as well.  I wasn't surprised to see him scoff at laws that didn't coincide with his beliefs, a lot like the fire code issues in his workshop.

Yeah, the question was why is Liz not buying them from a doctor.

I missed like 5 minutes when dinner was being a dick and trying to get burned, did they ever explain why Liz was buying pain pills from a guy in Penn Station?

La la la not listening la la la

My favorite line of the night.

^^^ real shitty physics right here y'all!!! ^^^

Technically, aren't the PCAs are more democratic than our representative republic?

Fartisan slip


Or join a book club and fight the other readers, should be fairly easy prey

Seriously loling at "Ben John Stannis"

What about hamburgers you fug'n sumbitch

@avclub-d8285e1668f1116b9947c084b0123532:disqus  you nailed it.  It's not that they're shitty shows people like, it's that they're shitty shows people think are really clever.  Punching is the only appropriate response to someone that says "I've really gotten in the The Big Bang Theory, it's such a smart show"

This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps

Rude, insufferable people in NY?  Now I've heard everything!!

I am not above personally forcing Nielsen families into watching P&R

My understanding of space mutiny is that anything goes.

Startlingly good idea for a show: