Frat Guise

I have Skinny Fists and I like it, but man F(sharp)… was just phenomenal.  That's how I found GYBE, so I think maybe it felt like a bit of a letdown, after.

I love F(sharp)A(sharp)Infinity so much but that's about it

Ur dumb and u smell bad

Chili is cooked in its own sauce you fuggin' sumbitch

Defense isn't boring (categorically speaking), but a game without a single touchdown is boring

Horsefellow gave it "ttwo thbums wya upp!1!"

I swear I just read something a couple days ago announcing a new TMV album in March…

I continue to enjoy TMV even though it's easy to see why some people hate their effusive wankery.

LSU wins in what's either a great baseball game or a horrible football game

He's busy with his rival band The Tibias.

Honestly, they lost me with the whole brass monkey manifesto

They work a party in every episode you sumbitch

Who the hell is Drake Diddy?!  What the hell is a Nas?!

Outta the screen
Right in my face
Absolute ownage

True, but it was still a pretty good season

As much as I like this site, it is completely intolerable with the ads allowed.

It was a good season you cagey fucker!!

Quality information, even though I don't have HBO

"Put all your money on the Broncos." - Jesus

What about a dick-faced dog fucker, you can always add some more