Frat Guise

If you find constant, aggressive misogyny underwhelming, maybe hip hop isn't the genre for you.

Are you saying you can't enjoy a fine cognac by pouring it into your eyeball?

"Gimme them points you miserly bitch!" - Adele

Quick, get in the car!  I've got to get to Twitter!

"Everyone get in here!  I've just read the internet!" - Studio exec

So YOU'RE the cartwheeling bum I've been seeing??

*Kanye bursts into your house and removes all the geometry textbooks*

My thoughts exactly, it hasn't been sit and watch with both eyes type of show all season

Is this how you get your kicks, YeeYee?  You and your goodtime buddies?  Well I got a news flash for you, joy boy: partytime is over.

You must not like to party, this show owns

Nice guild bro

I tried saving rock and roll but people kept using air quotes when referring to my dancing, singing and rocking.

"Yes, CBS has plenty of bland and generic shows, but they usually rise to
the level of mediocrity instead of being downright awful."

I thought that was the cure?

I've never seen Chuck, but I am drunk.

Best Thread 2011 Award

It's an Xmas miracle!  I feel my scrote growing three sizes!

Ball and scrotes

@Toast and HDB - exactly.  He's bad in a traditional sense and (I'm assuming here) kind of dumb, but he goes all out and somehow finds a way to win.  Seriously, that makes for fun and compelling games.
