Frat Guise

Sometimes you're in a hurry and you gotta jump up the steps two at a time

No way, this is just dumb, lazy conspiracy theorizin'

Croco Gator was my favorite, I've laughed at least a half dozen times at it

Seriously, nothin' wrong with this

*Frat Guise takes off, never to be seen on the AVC site again*

The tautology train is leaving?  But I don't have a boarding ticket!

I probably would have done the chicken dance right then and there

@avclub-21cb1137b6aab4de4328a8c698770071:disqus  does your advice apply to people who aren't necessarily famous please respond

Didn't see the time period.  I retract my statement.

"On New Year's Eve I watched the same amount of movies I watch every day!" - awesome story by CJC

I'm brown beared outta my mind

Counterpoint - Office Space

Are you fucking kidding me guy

I keep meaning to watch Workaholics, but then I don't.

I have no problem telling someone I'm not interested in a conversation if I'm not, but I doubt I could get away with asking someone talking on a cell phone to kindly stfu

While I don't support the ban on cell phone use in airplanes for the reasons cited by the US gov't and the airline industry (which are, amusingly, completely based on anecdotal evidence of radio interference with now completely antiquated technology), I support the ban because I don't want to listen to a plane full of

Knit me some new memes you nutjob

"Chocolate wine, yay!" - Fat women everywhere

Sir Lancelot = O Neal Crist

Traditional comedy is found in the butt