Frat Guise

The difference is that Aaron Rodgers has a cannon and is a better thrower, right now, than anyone in the league (in addition to being relatively mobile).

^^^ arbitrary definition of major right here y'all!!! ^^^

I heard from @Bat_Boy:disqus that O'Neal faked his own guns and is running death in Africa.

RGIII over Luck?  I dunno, highly mobile average passers have not done so well in the NFL.

I'll live there only if I don't have to dance

Is there such a thing as novelty pants?

Urine luck, it's not required

Short, long, hot, fancy, on fire, smarty…damn I can't do it

Fuck!  My computer isn't working!

Pitchfork scale: 1 - Ok Computer
AVC scale: 1 - Dawes
Rolling Stone scale: 1 - Bob Dylan

1) Attack
2) Brothers
3) Potion
4) Rubber
5) The rest

My favorite Black Keys songs are Lies and Things Ain't Like They Used To Be.  I wish they'd toss a couple of those blusey songs on each record, if only to appease your old pal Frat Guise.

Just another day for your ol' pal FG

"What else is there to do on Christmas?"

ur a frozen whore

A near-perfect show, more Andy could have bumped it up from an A- to an A for me

^ This right here is a good post

a wizard did it

"These pretzels are making me thirsty."
- Abraham Lincoln, immediately prior to the "House Divided" speech, Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858.

Are you currently reading my mind?