Frat Guise

What up Lincoln

And the Lord said let she who hath owned cast the first…um…Jesus?


It was a magic ark, you scientist dicksmack

*ignores post, makes masturbation hand gesture*

If you can't enjoy Tom Goes to the Mayor you probably have some type of brain and/or ass cancer.

But after my seizure ran its course, I'm still laughing.

Hyden also responded with a "more Dawes stuff?  Seriously?" post that I found pretty amusing.

On the tenth day of Dawesmas my true Hyden gave to me - ten soy-milk lattes, nine tight plaid shirts, eight trucker caps, seven wallet chains, six PBRs, fiiiiiive fixie wheeeeels, four cardigans, three woolen scarves, two indie bears, and that fuckin' sweet Laurel Canyon Soooooounnnd

Consider acquiring a sturdy stick to fend off the groupies

Maybe the best post ever, but not good enough to 'like'

Use a twig dummy

Sick burn imo

@avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus - and the shrimp!  Don't forget about the shrimp!

[stunned silence]

Not yet, anyway

I'm | | <—- this close to buying a fucking Wii just for that game, but man I would feel guilty buying an entire console just to play one game.

I wish I had a Wii, I would be playing Skyward Sword so hard right now  you guys

^^^ Xbox fan ^^^

*heroically charges German front line, throws boomerang, stuns one German soldier,  kills soldier with sword*