Frat Guise


Some of those segments are good

I thought you were going to tell me to shove it up my butt

I hate The Office, and here's why you should too!

Novelty paper is what the kids want, no need to make it obscene

All current RPG producers should play Mother 3 to completion before writing a single line of dialogue.  M3 was the perfect blend of gameplay and exposition.

^^^ baffling stuff right here y'all!!! ^^^

Maybe now he can afford that 'Q'

Mental retardation is a real and specific description of a disability.  It has negative connotations, yes, but that doesn't make it incorrect.

Or Idiot Wind

In contrast, I am a feminist AND I'm unattractive, unintelligent and unfunny.

I remember my first beer too!

Totally agreed, apologizing for the stunt cheapens the stunt.

Imo the entire overly-competitive tennis sequence could have been cut without losing anything substantial

Really?  I think she's usually kind of annoying but I liked her in Bridesmaids

Give it some math problems while informing it there is a new Justin Bieber album out

Bridesmaids was good, it was just too long

I never said Zelda 1 didn't start faster

Another reason for my love of LttP - the lack of an endless exposition beginning phase is really nice.

LttP>OoT>MC>MM>LA>the rest