Frat Guise

I plan on quoting this comment, out of context, for the rest of my life

@Scrawler:disqus  - That was directed at the heathen Canadian, criticizing God's own country!

^^ Smite this man, mighty Jesus!

something something not enough Ditka

It's ok, now the healing can begin

NES/SNES games aren't a problem, it's the blocky 3D games on PS1 that look constantly fuzzy.

Toaster Strudels can get fucked but Reebok pumps were so fresh

Yes.  However, I mistakenly baked the cake into the shape of a file, which aroused suspicion.

I got a friend out of jail once and believe me, she left with a pretty wicked chest pump.  This post is demonstrably true.

"Going to see the Pixies tomorrow!  Yeah, I'm right up in [one of four sections]!" - @avclub-f688ae53ecd9ab39288ac465aa4f86d8:disqus

Ok that looks seriously interesting.  How are the visuals?  Going back to PS1-era games can be migraine-inducing.

I played the LotR games on PS2, and they were a lot of fun.

Agreed - excellent write-up, except I bet it was composed on A COMPUTER, and computers are the devil

forsooth, i hath bung yonder maiden

Not only has he had sex with Olivia Munn, the dude eats jumbo shrimp like they're regular sized shrimp!

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I know this has been posted a couple times before, but if you right click on it you can block it with AdBlock

To be fair, it was a JUMBO shrimp.

You had me at "can't stop farting"

That guy on the left has a beard that almost reaches his eyes