Frat Guise

Get the fuck over yourself

You represent the coveted 18-49 'honestly don't fucking care' demographic

ITT - The first documented case of truly wrong opinions

I remember the days when Kevin was just sort of dumb, and not basically a (slow) child in a man's body

I love you Gary, let's never fight again

These are my favorite file photos

Have you ever tried to make your own mustard from scratch?

Nope, you suck

I have been on a massive non-fiction kick for about the last two years, so I have to make wild assumptions

^^ this guy really loves soccer!

^^^ can't tell Jonathan Franzen and South Park apart ^^^

[record scratch]

Oh fuck, my paradigms!

This is truly some LOLcats-level shit

If I had children at the time, I can only assume they would have burst into flames.

^^ professional stalker

Gimme five bees for a quarter you'd say

I have been playing the shit out of Cloudkicker recently, and I'm not a huge Messhugah fan.

"You know what's cool and people love?  These new things, pop-ups!!" - AVC webmaster apparently stuck in 2005

Or "if her eyebrows were a bit thinner and more arched"