Frat Guise

Possibly the greatest comment committed to the internet

Minish Cap, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are all stone cold classics (but LttP is king of course).

Just wait until the end of the console's life cycle and get games for $20 (or less if you don't mind buying used).  Some things to do while you wait:

Haven't seen 2 Broke 2 Girls, but despite it being not actually funny I still enjoyed New Girl

Look at the judges all enjoying some refreshing Pepsi!

I watched New Girl for the first time last night, and it was consistently almost funny but never actually funny

Nuh uh, my ninja turtles block fireballs

Seriously AVC, if you're not going to cover things I already know about then WTF lololol

Cool guys never look back at explosions

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus  do you have access to transportation to this planet please respond

When I played with Transformers as a kid, I noticed a similar rate of explosions

"Whoops!  It's actually diabetes." - Doctor

Honestly, you'd be stupid not to listen to a talking cat.

Maybe it needed more charts?

"pick out some specific Twilight Zones to rewatch"

P&R, 30 Rock and The Office are all on NI, Community is not though.

^ Ultimate hipster

There is no possibly pantsless in my home office

"Hey, more cocaine!" - James Franco

Rich chestnut sounds dope