Frat Guise

There is/was a disgusting pond at the juggalo gathering, and they called it syphilis pond or chlamydia pond or something

Being hyper sensitive is a good start - you'll be a street(s ahead) commando in no time

We have a strict 1 ironic afro minimum, so that information is TBD

Non alcoholic PBR is the official drink, as it is even more ironic than PBR

We don't discriminate, as being politically correct and inclusive are our central tenets

^ Tattoos of this strongly suggested

FBI not allowed to read

GTFO historian

Are you suggesting we start a rival gang?

Go swim in syphilis pond (or whatever it was)

Take heart, college basketball starts in like a week

Did your parents cancel your pizza party to watch game 7?

I'd rather have my genitals be legally viable than legally liable.

Best line of the night

sew buttons

^^^ bizarre and arbitrary comment / anecdote right here y'all! ^^^

I still make the "soup du jour" joke whenever possible, I just can't help myself

"Trick or treat"

He's playing for Carolina now bro

Seriously loling at this right now