Frat Guise

Rock me mighty Jesus
Rock me all night long

No he's not

In America, you overcome heroin addiction by praying real hard

Todd needs more bootstraps

Yeah I bought that but I honestly wasn't too thrilled with it.  I can't even figure out why.

Finally good* paying jobs

I'll give it a shot if it comes to NI, but not before goddammit

Maybe lets go hair gel shopping together?

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus - That's a legit complaint, but even if you initially subscribed to Netflix for the obscure/indie movies, I'm saying that the streaming content available is easily worth the $8 / month (for Mad Men / Breaking Bad alone, honestly).

Drinky's Seal of Disapproval?

Fuck fat people

You know who doesn't watch Last Man Standing?

Looks like if you don't care to watch fat people pretend exercising is hard, you're shit out of luck tonight

Whom with the jerking it takes place to

I love this.

Check back in 30 days when your bill is $100 / month, and if there is ever a billing mistake it will take 4-5 hours on hold / talking with incompetent people to get it changed

I don't know what you normally spend your money on, but $8 / month for Netflix's streaming library is still the best value in entertainment

They are connected by sin you see

that was a good one of those

It's pretty simple, Gary