Frat Guise

I enjoy Christmas music around* Christmas.


No comedy please

If I had a dollar for every justice-obsessed, idealistic crime fighter willing to risk life and limb for the common good on TV, I'd have a shitload of dollars.

"That's a great idea!" - my dad

I don't have HBO so I'm probably not helping the show much, but the first season was generally quite funny and clever.

I like The Life and Times of Tim.

I believe the title of biggest weather freak-out-ers goes to Dallas, as 1/4 inch of snow can completely shut the city down and send many large trucks into ditches.

I don't go anywhere without mild salsa

^^^ hatin' ^^^


What about if you drew a dick on the drone, or had it make farting noises while it attacked?

Go Royals!


My kids are going to be so drunk they won't really need to watch TV

Please don't waste a valuable opportunity to educate your child about Dawes

And also the best album of all time of all time.

My dancing has often been described as cold, calculated and inhuman

Will a NASCAR sweatshirt suffice?

Stop being a total Bridget