Frat Guise

Hey man, that's just two good pals enjoying cool, refreshing Pepsi - no reason to be hatin'

1)  The Romans did not invent aqua ducks, they've always been comfortable with water
2)  There are no books about the Romans because paper wasn't invented until the 80's

I think the Romans still had control of China and Japan in the 70's, so that makes sense

I'm finally famous for punching!

How can you not be sure if you just came

So would you say it's hood law around the F&S household?


lookit mr. fancyboy done graduated from a proper el'mentary school


It's a good way to get got

Give them a break or maybe, I dunno, send them a Red Lobster gift card

For real, these guys wrote that Day Bow Bow song (I assume)

I think you're roughly equivalent to fish meat

Are you currently incarcerated?

They're both fat.

I wish they looked stranger, they look like every other skinny white kid indie band

*gay panics*

Well, I just talked to him and he says you suck

I do, will, have and must

The fingers you have used to type your firstie are…too fat