Frat Guise

1/awesome divided by hell yes

Cup stacking


He's fat.

"I just love to get down, get funky." - OBL

True patriots don't adjust for inflation, they adjust for Freedom Currency Correction

There's still time

^^ This is excellent news

Sexy Flanders is saying what we're all thinking

Surge had what plants crave - RIP

This changes everything

"Deerhoof has…in recent years…recorded…the 33 [best songs ever created]" - Steven Hyden

Jeez, when it comes to chairs you can be a real dick.

How can you take 1/2 of something that is Infinitely Good?

Players of instruments are rarely impressed with other players of instruments.

Ah ok, thanks.

your loosing it bro!

Broads don't wear suits!

Wtf is going on with Hulu not having any episodes of Always Sunny available?  Is FX streaming them now?

The Freewheelin' Dawes