Frat Guise

He is old.

From the album Dawes on the Tracks, where Dylan mentioned Dawes on "the tracks" (a common name for songs on an album).

Amateurcedural, where untrained dicksmacks poke around nodding thoughtfully but lack the training to solve cases

Obsession with physical beauty and marginalization of women by popular culture as objects that only exist to get us bros horny?

(I don't think Shrike's comment was directed at you)

Like this post if you got a boner y'all!

We are trapped in the belly of the beast

Those fat cat graphic designers!  Always throwing their weight around!

^^^^ some hatin' right here y'all! ^^^

o_o ^^^^ hatin' ! ^^^^

^^^ lol classic hatin' ! ^^^

I'm so sick of all these fucking arms!

I like the idea of subsistence farming and dangerous/low paying physical labor, but can we at least keep credit default swaps, collateralized debt obligations and derivatives?

You want some Freedom Curd (cheese) to go with that whine (wine)?

"Yeah, I think Lesnar as the identifier of UFC…"

something > nothing

"Supercollider" is not that great, but "The Butcher" is pretty good in a bizarre sort of way

I'm pretty sure it's Tee Eye

You do love the cleft!!

Definitely in my top 5, including in no particular order