Frat Guise

A+ post

I would rather have a rattlesnake up my ass than a wolverine

Yeah, for the longest time I thought I had dreamt that show, that there was no way it could be real.

A delightful stream of consciousness look at our friend Lobsters 1.

It's called Freedom Sauce you dumbfucks

Shut yar caviar hole, scientist!

Yeah, I don't really see any way in which this service is necessary.

[stunned silence]

Ian McKellen & Donald Glover

Roast beef
Turkey for people who read and enjoy Catcher in the Rye.

Ever listened to Coldplay - on weed?

"Let's watch Zombie Strippers again." - A wild horse near Lux Lisbon

A+ post, would read again

What about the people that care about sound quality but lack the tech savvy to implement an upgrade

For me via DSL / Xbox / 720p TV, Netflix streaming is pretty lackluster and 9 times out of 10 less than DVD quality.

A surprising amount of Real World love ITT

+1 Cold War Kids

Party on Caret's yacht!


I'm going to Chicago last minute, what's THE place for pizza