Frat Guise

She should be referred to as "Famous Hogperson" Victoria Jackson, as per a previous newswire post.

I will gladly get fat for nothing, assuming nothing = 1 million dollars.

I'll pay anything for convenience!

I wonder how long it's going to take the myriad video-streaming services to collapse into one.


How does one acquire passage to this planet of large breasted aliens

More important
I saw True Grit last night, it was good.

Work attire is determined at random. Car rental agents got a raw deal, having to wear suits for $10 / hr.


You're all a bunch of fucking errand boys

Agreed, but maybe he'd never been called out for it?

[SPOILERS] kind of

Finally, an opportunity to say "booyah"

Hey yo
This be Pablo Dylan
P Deal for real
Turn it down, respect yo neighbors
You don't want tinnitus yo

Your old pal Frat Guise as the surly, foul-mouthed neighbor with a heart of gold.

Won't you? Won't you help?

Women are strange.


God I wish SG:CtC would come to Netflix instant.

HoL was a fine album.