Derivative Commenter

I don't see why Walden is on this list. AFAIK, It's a legitimate, accredited university with a good reputation. My wife did a Masters with them. Yeah, it's expensive, but it beat a 2-hour one-way commute to anyplace half as good. And she landed a job with the place she interned with. It's not a degree mill at all.

'Nucular' is an accepted alternative pronunciation. I'm in the field and it's not unusual to hear it.

This is the only Sex and the City I've seen. It has stuck with me for Carrie's proposal of a desperate, overly-elaborate mock peeing scenario, the details I've forgotten except it involved ice tea.

That picture of Ms. Outlander seems faintly ridiculous. The trigger response of old-timey muskets could be measured with a sundial.

In the 60s, miniskirts were more emblematic of female empowerment than male eye-candy. Nichelle Nichols has said in interviews that the women on the show liked them (well, at those with good legs).

Sniff. I really miss my old Pocket Computer. It had a really handy calculator mode that allowed backing up to redo formulas. I've never used another calculator that could do that as well. I might still be using it except the solder degenerated and it quit working.


Laurence Fishburne's triumphant "THERE IT IS!" in the climactic game when he realizes Josh has cornered his opponent. Wonderful movie.

Yes! In fact we can retconn that in the alternate timeline Mary and Sam were in a relationship. Sam pesters Mary to get married and Mary eventually convinces herself she can love Sam and Sam will love her. Then on the eve of their marriage, Sam get's embroiled in a minor scandal which exposes his philandering.

Yes! In fact we can retconn that in the alternate timeline Mary and Sam were in a relationship. Sam pesters Mary to get married and Mary eventually convinces herself she can love Sam and Sam will love her. Then on the eve of their marriage, Sam get's embroiled in a minor scandal which exposes his philandering.