@avclub-1a0942083b83d8f3eb8ef33d4731b7e4:disqus he had already been to the compound to meet Uncle Jack to plan the murder of the 11 witnesses. He knew where he was going and where they'd be.
@avclub-1a0942083b83d8f3eb8ef33d4731b7e4:disqus he had already been to the compound to meet Uncle Jack to plan the murder of the 11 witnesses. He knew where he was going and where they'd be.
Too fantastical to someone who has zero mechanical ability, maybe. That was a phenomenally simple mechanism and he's already dealt with an illegal arms dealer who only suggested he get such a small gun because of his intended use for it.
He was never sentenced. He attended psych evaluations in a prison as part of his plea deal. He skipped that because it was going to be harsh on account of the drugging and anally raping a child.
Laws are the end all and be all of morality. What Woody Allen did is not illegal, and he should not be punished in the court of law. What he did is disgusting and repugnant.
Did you beat this guy into life on a feeding tube?
Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby are an incredible movies. This guy should be rotting in jail nonetheless.
Man, the drums on Ride, Master, and Justice are really good. He's a douche, but there was a time when he was a really good drummer.
Who said you have to stop once you're no longer a youth?
Watch Superjail. Revise opinion.
I was hoping Hjalmarsson would take his skate off and gut that asshole like a deer wearing a couple bullets.
I hate him. The only thing that marred the Blackhawks Stanley Cup run this year was the television camera panning to that fat, smug, dead eyed creep.
I am a proud Chicago native. I love seeing my hometown teams do well. But every god damned time one of our teams makes the playoffs, this no-talent, coat tail riding, best role was the guy in a gorilla costume on a train in Trading Places shows up and fills me with the most murderous rage. I truly hate him.
Replace Lars with a guy who can play drums and write and arrange.
You are.
I just want to see a porn with Scarlett Johansson.
James seems like a really nice guy who genuinely appreciates his fans.
I'll just throw in my Cliff 'em All VHS in and rage.
I think so. I don't think Nickelback aspires to anything more than being a cheesy butt rock band with low brow appeal. Chad Kroger married Avril Levine for Christ's sake. If that's not knowing your role, I don't know what is. I don't hear Nickelback on the radio, or see them on strong lineups, or see them on the…
Watch the video for Born Free and look up the sample she's using. She's not a brilliant politician and seems misinformed sometimes, but her fiestiness and adherence to her own opinions and making whatever the fuck kind of music she wants comes off as genuine punk rock.
Whitesnake is billions of times better than Nickleback.