
I am not against this movie. The original Magnificent Seven is an entertaining movie and certainly a classic. But, some 56 years later, the action and some of the characters/stereotypes are a little dated. A new take could be fun.

"Segovia"? Get out your Marvel AP Style Book, AV Club. It's SOKOVIA. Gosh. [Pushes up glasses]

What is the film from 2011? The woman with the hat walking away from the camera as the camera swoops toward her? I can't figure that one out.

Yes. Please just put it—and me—out of its misery. This is one of the few shows my wife and I watch together and both of us don't really like it anymore.

Yes. That was a great episode! Forgot about it until you mentioned it but it has always affected the way I say "paddle" when playing Ping Pong. Another ep I remember is the one where the audience member was brave enough to come forward as a witness—a great and clever instance of breaking the 4th wall. Haven't see

Yeah. And because of that neither of them will probably make the Oscars' In Memoriam segment.

I can't tell if you're making a joke or not so I'm just going to say it: That's not MC Hammer. The article says the rap is like MC Hammer's work for one of The Addams Family movie.

Black people or Jack Black?

Yeah. I've been trying to figure this one out as well. At first, I thought she was implying that the middle aged guy was insisting they needed a male drummer as opposed to a female drummer. That would be sexist. But, it just turns out her band (which I've since checked out and like a lot) doesn't have a drummer. The

Alzeeub the Walker? I sense a prequel directed by Paul Schrader… no, wait, Renny Harlin.

I've seen some ads on the Comedy Central app (which I've enjoyed using to catch up on the Daily Show). I assume they run on all the shows but it does seem strange when they come up during The Daily Show.

I've heard his penis is PICTURE PERFECT.

Umm. Show's called Blunt Talk. Not Talking Blunt. Just saying.

Well written. I agree with your statements.

Where's Ron Fucking Swanson?

I saw Will Ferrel throw out the first pitch at a Cubs game about 10 years ago. He got into position to wind up and then whirled to throw out an imaginary runner at second base. The ball went bouncing into center field. It was the most entertaining thing during the whole game. Wait, no. He might have also sung during

But, I thought Ted Cruz was in line to replace Shearer?

"The Specialist with Al Pacino…?"

Currently seems like an engine for telling me what's on Amazon or Apple (which is just about everything). Doesn't include what might be available through onDemand or other services (except Netflix). I don't need something to suggest a movie for me to watch. I need something to tell me where to find the movies I want