
Can't wait to hear what kind of new curse words Peter Capaldi's character delivers when Paddington generally makes a mess of everything.

Correct answer. I really enjoyed Ghost Protocol. Similarly, I remember MI:3 the least even though that was probably a more serviceable story then the first and second movies.

Texasville and Who's Harry Crumb? are both mediocre movies… but I believe she's in a bra in both of them.

Laroquette is best known for Night Court. It was zany and screwball and I loved it. Laroquette won 4 consecutive Emmys for his role (he actually asked that he not be considered for an Emmy in year five). He tried to then branch out into other sitcoms that didn't take. But, he's developed a good career as a character


Mmmm, a gelFLING.

Did not.

I don't remember Pegg being in MI3. So, this was surprising news to me.

I'm just saying Armageddon is on the border line between good and bad. It's slick and polished and watchable but then occasionally stupid. So, you could make an argument either way for it. I was giving it the benefit of the doubt when comparing Scott to Bay and showing how Bay comes up short.

I tried reading Faust!!!

Scott had some pretty good films (as listed above plus Enemy of the State and Crimson Tide). Even his not so food films were watchable and generally fun. Michael Bay really only has one good film: The Rock (ok, maybe also Armageddon). The rest are pretty noisy and stupid. So, I'd definitely put Scott higher.

Yes. This was a great action movie.

Eh, let's just go with War of The Roses II and head to lunch early. All in favor?

This show looks good, especially when you factor in this review. I've been watching the latest Misfits eps, so they've been promoing this show. They've also been promoing The Strange Calls. I see it's been out for a few years in other countries. Anyone know how that show is?

So this just leaves Steve Bauer (the last Melanie Griffith spouse).

You guys are obviously forgetting Angel/Nina Ash, the werewolf.

El queso del diablo?

But, isn't it his fault for not paying closer attention to the seats he purchased? It's only funny if the airline is at fault (stupid, bureaucratic airline) otherwise it's just sad (poor obese man caused by grief over dead wife, now he's also screwed up his airline reservation).

@Sini_Star:disqus Are you in the Chicago area? "Set phasers to FUN" was a line said on Chicago's Fox-32 promos. I think it was promoting that 3rd Rock From The Sun was coming up next (but don't fully remember). I can hear the pitchman saying it in my head. I believe he was a Second City guy. Is that where you got it

Thanks for the great feedback. I'll keep on with it. So far it's strange and dreamlike. But, the strangest part is that 40 pages in I have no idea what this is about, what's happening and where it's going.