
Oh come on, how does O'Neal know a random Sir-Mix-A-Lot song (i.e any song that isn't Baby Got Back) that fits this particular situation? It's awe-inspiring.

But, how can you really tell????

We're gonna need a bigger boat.

Thank you. You have made my day.

How about in quarter miles at a time?

Dude. There's a hole under this ledge that I can totally stick my dick into.

 I love the Foundation books. Even the later ones were pretty good, though they were very different from the initial trilogy. The only stinker of the bunch was the Prequel, which was as dumb and contrived as they others were brilliant in their problem/solution setup.

I agree. I thought it was the most entertaining of the films. Great dialogue. Good chemistry. And I don't know why Dowd thinks there was only one good setpiece. I count three absolutely incredible action segments. There was one major plot point I was unsure made sense. But, it's possible I just missed a statement

I thought the same thing.


I met her in person at a book event. She was great. Enjoyed engaging with her there, on the book club online chats that she paneled and just in general when reading her reviews, articles or even comments. She did an excellent job of expressing and explaining her opinions. She will be missed here.

@avclub-b97ca122d91f0a094bbf3f9808f4daf5:disqus That's actually one of my least favorite Roth books. The Counterlife though is one of my favorite books ever.

I wish he had done this role with a more apparent Boston accent. "I nayd paak da caar in da Elayseeum paaking lot".

I'm a little sexually confused about my attraction to Hanna "Guitar" Solo.

Also, the royal penis is clean.

Hey there. How you doing?

Margaret Thatcher dies and THIS IS HOW YOU TELL ME?!?

My three big Ebert moments:

I own the soundtrack. If you'd like to borrow it, you could play it in the background while you drink and cry.

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus Legend/rumor has it that Oscar Wilde's were "Either those curtains go or I do."