
Or, possibly Alexis Denisof.

But, will Jonathan from Buffy write the screenplay? That's the inside news we really want to know.

But, will Jonathan from Buffy write the screenplay? That's the inside news we really want to know.

I think you're making up both of those names.

I think you're making up both of those names.

That's because O'Neal actually posted a still from the new Les Mis movie.

That's because O'Neal actually posted a still from the new Les Mis movie.

I enjoyed it. I remember bits and pieces. But, I don't remember how it ended (or didn't end since I think it was canceled before the story was resolved).

I enjoyed it. I remember bits and pieces. But, I don't remember how it ended (or didn't end since I think it was canceled before the story was resolved).

It's a delicious jumbo sized apple smothered in Mrs. Prindable's famous, homemade, creamy caramel, premium chocolate and gourmet toppings. It serves 8-10 people.

It's a delicious jumbo sized apple smothered in Mrs. Prindable's famous, homemade, creamy caramel, premium chocolate and gourmet toppings. It serves 8-10 people.

I can not hear the song Golden Years without thinking of that TV Show. Also, a thirty-ish Felicity Huffman in a bra.

I can not hear the song Golden Years without thinking of that TV Show. Also, a thirty-ish Felicity Huffman in a bra.

If you run out of time before the movie comes out, I have a kids illustrated version based off the Rankin Bass film complete with record (in case you're driving in your car and you have a record player) you could borrow.

If you run out of time before the movie comes out, I have a kids illustrated version based off the Rankin Bass film complete with record (in case you're driving in your car and you have a record player) you could borrow.

Obama's America

Obama's America

You were looking at the wrong end.

You were looking at the wrong end.

Rove keeps saying the candidates are only separated by 991 votes in Ohio, yet the infographic they show as he's talking shows the difference as being about 30 thousand. What the hell is he talking about and how come no one corrects him?