
Eastern Promises was so fucking good.

"Well, everyone knows that Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is… maybe he didn't?"

"Well, everyone knows that Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is… maybe he didn't?"

I was being sarcastic about being sarcastic.

I was being sarcastic about being sarcastic.



But adding two negatives makes a negative equal to their sum…

But adding two negatives makes a negative equal to their sum…

Christoph Waltz is relevant to my interests.

Christoph Waltz is relevant to my interests.

Historical revisionism isn't just for the neocons anymore, baby!

Historical revisionism isn't just for the neocons anymore, baby!

Would you drink it all up? I mean, if it did?

Would you drink it all up? I mean, if it did?

But he's dead now so it's ok.

But he's dead now so it's ok.

I was actually being serious but also making a joke about a thing that he is notorious for.

I was actually being serious but also making a joke about a thing that he is notorious for.

I look forward to the long stretches of dialogue that has nothing to do with the plot and seem only to serve as evidence of the director's authenticity.