Kid Icarus

Are they going to do anything with that other "Little Women" property, you know, the one written by Louisa May Alcott?

No, not at all.

For those of you who were thinking of citing Kouwiowi's post re: how The Beatles changed the musical artist/interviewer landscape (which they certainly did), please make the correction that Norwegian Wood was aparently about lesbians and Day Tripper was about a prostitute. Thank you.

Hasn't Don been divorced twice now?
Didn't they show a flashback in the first or second season where he had to get a divorce from Anna to marry Betty? Probably inconsequential, I just thought it was interesting considering divorce was so taboo then.

"Pee-Wee Herman" is real?
I always thought he was just some fictional character in these creepy, weird, drug -induced recurring dreams I had in the late 80s. You all know about him too?