Brown Jamie Lee Curtis

I found this interview interesting. I seen Mastodon live once and hated every song. "Smooth" at it's worst is better than Mastodon at their best.

Does anyone actually like his music, or just pretend to to seem hip?

Anyone remember "Where is the Love"?

[Joke that is also Futurama reference]

Has Beyonce done anything original?

Wait, I'm confused. What's Buckwild about then?

What's the conversion ratio between USD and Franco Points?

Yeah, we all know that she's into Nick.

"Annoyance Bowl" just leaked this morning.

I need help reacting to something.

Wait, you can buy women on Amazon?

Oh Calvin, you so crazy.

"Blah, blah, british accent, blah, blah, transporter.

Ae$op Rocky?

It's actually translated. The lyrics are beautifully written, although pretty anti-american.

Me too, I just tend to listen to rappers who rap really fast about world issues.

I loved Chumbawumba and all of their hit SONG

my six y/o bro is torrenting the entire discography

It was obvious rock bottom was Kidz Bop 14, but the emotions, albeit sloppy, were so raw and genuine, I just couldn't turn away.