Arsenio Beckman

Oh maaaan
When Rob Lowe hosted SNL, that cracka lit the place up. HOODEY HOODEY HAAIIIII!!!

I also loved the irony of using a song from the soundtrack of the worst comic book movie (Batman and Robin) for the movie of what people think is the best graphic novel.

I can watch me perform over and over and over again.

am not trying in any way to take anything away from Carsenio. You know? I mean, Carsenio - man - he's the best! I mean, he set the standard.. he.. uh.. he showed the way! But I can't be Carsenio - I can only be Arsenio Beckman!

Hey, Ashton,
Now, I heard.. somewhere.. somebody was saying something about you doin' a film with somebody or somethin'.. what's that all about?

Now.. we've got a most wonderful show. A sexy, sexy lady.. Linda Blair!

That's my gang over there! That's my gang over there! Man.. you know.. there is some wild stuff goin' on out there!

I tell ya, man.. this is better than doin' the Wild Thing!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! People at home are saying…
[ tenses up ] .."What the hell is this?!"

They alright, but…
There's some guys that I know.. I've been talking to them backstage - and I know you know who they are, because I've been talkin' to them backstage - let's give it up for Kool Ice Kold Soda!

Like I said, I am not trying in any way to take anything away from Arsenio Billingham. You know? I mean, Arsenio - man - he's the best! I mean, he set the standard.. he.. uh.. he showed the way! But I can't be Arsenio Billingham - I can only be Arsenio Beckman!

Great film, great motion picture!

I am not trying in any way to take anything away from Arsenio Billingham. You know? I mean, Arsenio - man - he's the best! I mean, he set the standard.. he.. uh.. he showed the way! But I can't be Arsenio Billingham - I can only be Arsenio Beckman!

I don't know…
It ain't no Kool Ice Kold Soda!

That is some wild stuff!
I mean.. yeah.. yeah.. that was crazy, the news.

Sounds like some nerds might be upset…
Yeah, yeah.. nerds.. yeah.. 'Cause that's what I've been talking about is, you know, nerds, and the way people dance, you know? Some people, you know, they dance like this..