Push Back

Another thing, in a recent episode of Leverage. One of the guys even said, "I love it when a plan comes together." I almost shot Ecto Cooler out of my nose.

To All Interested Parties
If you like The A-Team, I would recommend watching Leverage on TNT. It's essentially the same show except instead of Ex-Soldiers it's Ex-Thieves. They even have the same dynamic.

J Dilla was the best that ever did it, period. All these artists that have been using his stuff, whether rhyming over, remixing or dedicating to him should give all of that money to his family. Especially, The Roots and Busta….

Raiders fans know how to survive because they already live in the hell on earth created by Al Davis.

Thanks P, your insights are informative and timely.

Rebuttal: It is not good, and you have a learning disability.

Richard Gere's nickname is V

Show Name
Doin' Sit-ups w/ T.O.

Not Only
Is this not an A, but since when has it become OK to re-release a Yanni album with singing and not have it be universally mocked.

Why Not?
I bitch slap bar trivia every week.

At least she knew who Colin Powell was…score one for the American educational system.

Instead of phoning home, she just phones it in.

I do find it odd that Slumdog gets smacked down with the, "Aww, it's too cutesy and unbelievable to be enjoyed" thing. Wall-E was just as fairy-tale too, but because it was a G-rated movie it gets a free pass.

Too much goat passion leads to jail time in most states.

Fame is a relative term here.

I like computers…they let me see pictures of naked women whenever I want.

Readheads = Followers of Reading Rainbow

Rebuttal: You are really stupid criteria.

"YOU'VE GOT TO CHUG!!!" ~ Fairy Hockey Player

Lost Is Not Awesome
Reason #1: Lost is not awesome because on the Wikipedia entry for 'Characters of Lost' it lists 73 different people.