I got your back Hyden.
I got your back Hyden.
JVS…I see what you did there.
Even though my girlfriend has huge boobs…I consider myself more of an ass man with no preference on nipple size.
Manzier! Bro!
The Wendy's guy reviews movies?
That show tongue-bathed my rectum.
What if you lose it?
Puking in a dog dish for Laundry Bag Guy. :-D Family friendly.
Tigers - Check
You notice how that whole post is in past tense, I haven't had that problem in over a decade.
The worst thing about wet dreams was I only got them when I was getting 'backed up'. So when I got them, I would wake up to a kiddie pool's worth of man Gak in my underthings.
One Year Shy Of
Correct Me If I'm Wrong
But didn't someone recently knock Suge the fuck out like Deebo from Friday?
Lou Perlman
Eats a lot of cold cuts.
I vote for Money Train.
A Thing
I do like this show, but one thing that kinda bothers me is that all of these crazy ass things are happening in and around Massachusetts. If all of these Fringe-y were really happening within like 60 miles of one another, don't you think someone other than Broyles and Massive Dynamic would notice?
Still chasing that dollar…how poetic, how sad.
Saaaaavvvvedddd byyyyy El Zilllchhhoooo!!!
This guy needs to shut the fuck up and sit down. James Bond lore says that he was a commander in the Royal Navy and in the British CIA (MI6). How many people like that (Navy SEALS/CIA) are fun loving gigglers. Craig at least gets that part right.
That Guy Time
Filming in China would be sweet if Karate started in China, but Japan would be better. Also, is China really that "exotic" of a locale?