Handstamping Arm Licker

my crush on her comes from the little-seen "butterfly kiss", wherein she plays a bisexual serial killer who wears a fuckton of chains under her clothes.

my crush on her comes from the little-seen "butterfly kiss", wherein she plays a bisexual serial killer who wears a fuckton of chains under her clothes.

Elvis Hitler fans of the AV Club, represent.

i loved the shorts as a ten-year-old girl too. i think the tv biopic came out around that time, and i remember enjoying that (even though it was pretty depressing). i wasn't that critical about entertainment that involved stuff i loved already.

Power electronics is dance music now? It came out of the early, early industrial scene and then harsh noise kind of bounced off of that. It really has nothing to do with "electronic music" as people talk about it.

Yeah, I've been wanting to see this for a few months now. Genesis is a fascinating figure, and the pandrogyne project and how it mixes with her life with Jaye is pretty incredible/heartbreaking. It's shocking in its way, but it's such a far cry from COUM and Throbbing Gristle (which I love, of course). I don't know, I

i've definitely had kool-aid pie, and that shit is delicious.

Something else entirely from what, exactly?

My family had Nielsen boxes around 10 or 12 years ago, and we had people over and they'd be like "yo Handstampers, what's with the blinking shit on your TV?" and since we told them, I suppose we broke the Nielsen rules. We had those boxes around for a longass time though, and if you didn't punch your number in, the

I remember watching Rashomon on Ovation a couple of years ago, and it was incredibly surreal to go from Kurosawa to the Dyson vacuum guy.

Ovation is pretty awesome. They play some great art documentaries and opera performances, like what A&E was a few years ago. They also have some weird reality show about being an opera singer that I can't imagine anyone watching, but hey.

what's weird to me, if i understand this correctly, is that they believe anti-colonialism is bad. like it's an acceptable viewpoint in 2011 that we are super-special and deserve THE ENTIRE WORLD.

Jack Nicklaus!

canada is kind of an enormous country. can it have a singular music scene?

Chumbawumba were actually a pretty good anarcho-punk band in the 80s, but Dennis probably wouldn't be into "Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records", so I guess it's a moot point.

I was thinking Dream Theater would be suitably lame, but maybe not.

"You're lucky, at least you have something to do."

Yeah, I definitely think that Jerry was just annoyed at this dude who wouldn't leave him alone.

yeah, 'sup.

I'm trying to explain what La Toya's face looks like, but I can't get it out. It looks like her nose and cheekbones are one piece that you could snap off and it would reveal a pulsing blob, like a Dalek.