Your good friend and mine, Puhl Buhkwah, saw the movie and said pretty much the same things as we hear Nathan saying in his write-up.
Your good friend and mine, Puhl Buhkwah, saw the movie and said pretty much the same things as we hear Nathan saying in his write-up.
I know you said you can't explain it, but I'm really perplexed as to why the term "singer-songwriter" would fill anyone with derision.
It's okay, but it's no Johnny the Fox Meets Jimmy the Weed.
A Mysterious Object of the East, aka a butt plug extraordinaire.
This was a good interview, but I'd have like to hear more about what she thought of Sherman Helmsley's attempt to recreate the success of Ghostbusters by teaming with Smokin' Joe Frazier and Luis for the film Ghost Fever.
Greendale: Should it be listened to? Can it be listened to if you've never seen the film by Bertrand Shakey?
That's a real shame. 57 is way too young. This is the kind of guy who should be fighting with executives and promoting cool films until he's a grand old man.
In around 1992 or so, Johnny Cash, at some low point of his pre-Rubinfied career I guess, played the local town fair here. It was June, but incredibly cold and drizzly. Johnny, June, John Carter Cash and their ensemble played for a football stadium that had maybe a hundred and fifty people, tops, several dozen of…
I think this is a great record, and I'll enter a chicken cluckin' contest with anyone who says otherwise.
Featuring a cameo by Bill Murray in the role of Bil.
"Songs From A Room," I guess.
I haven't seen the show, but if it could be spoiled by such a minor revelation, was it all that strong to begin with?
Kirk Baltz?
I saw it too, at the Toronto Film Festival, and a lady got incredibly angry during this scene and walked out shouting vile imprecations.
Do you remember that Dukes of Hazzard spin-off, Ænos?
I for one would like to see the Choas erupt, just to find out what that is.
"Won't somebody help that poor man!?"
Wouldn't a REAL president have consecrated the matrimony of Jamie "Klinger" Farr and Gary "Radar" Burghoff instead of allowing it to be murdered aborning by out-of-control referenda?
A Wahlberg/Laika buddy picture.