Or is that a T.G.I. Friday?
Or is that a T.G.I. Friday?
Because I hate myself:
I have a solution. Let's see if we can we get Steven Malkmus on here so he can tell us why "Time after Time" is his least favorite song.
Pitchfork Smitchfork, why I had this idea a long time ago! I even came up with a short verse. Observe
Sounds promising considering Cymbals Eat Guitars always seemed to be the closest thing to early 90s Modest Mouse yet for some reason they never really connected with me.
Sounds promising considering Cymbals Eat Guitars always seemed to be the closest thing to early 90s Modest Mouse yet for some reason they never really connected with me.
And pretty much all of the songs on that EP had already been released as singles and b-sides. Guess I'll go check out this Morning Teleportation group in the meantime.
And pretty much all of the songs on that EP had already been released as singles and b-sides. Guess I'll go check out this Morning Teleportation group in the meantime.
DrFlimFlam you and I must be kindred spirits, I thought of these exact two things. At this point Modest Mouse might as well name their next album Chinese Detox. At least Thrones is a sure thing.
DrFlimFlam you and I must be kindred spirits, I thought of these exact two things. At this point Modest Mouse might as well name their next album Chinese Detox. At least Thrones is a sure thing.
This is the consensus I subscribe to.
This is the consensus I subscribe to.
Well that seems a little excessive!
Well that seems a little excessive!
But aer yuo aslo a dcortor?
But aer yuo aslo a dcortor?
Yeah Parenthood is a piece of shit. Unless of course your favorite TV character is an acoustic guitar.
Yeah Parenthood is a piece of shit. Unless of course your favorite TV character is an acoustic guitar.
Its even more terrible. I mean you take away the fucking? Yeah, worse.
Its even more terrible. I mean you take away the fucking? Yeah, worse.