post crunk

A woman doctor! Malarkey.

Yo, queer-o

Especially when it gets to their sex scenes.

This is very true. I remember not really liking Alien Lanes the first time I heard it. Sacrilege, I know.

If they did DC they could also include Baltimore. It'd be closest thing to The Wire - the video game, we could hope to get.

Church’s covert Office of Special Affairs reporting back to the ghost/re-embodiment/corpse of L Ron Hubbard

Yeah in the old days they would have released this e.p. around the end of 2010. Not over a year and a half after their debut. Kind of like what happened with Modest Mouse.

And you even made your name Michael Clayton!

Holy god, Jim Carrey as Randall Flagg would be awful to the point of unintentional hilarity.

Or just give it to the Lost writers already.

He ain't no nice guy

I always considered Willow to be the real Lord of the Rings.

Yes of course it does. Of course it sounds reasonable Michael. They've, they've taken an exfoliated mount of of putrid shit, and, and they've glossed it up. They coated it Michael, it's like a glaze. Just wait. Soon you'll come to understand, this isn't madness, but then again it is madness because it's real life

Though I would say being in Mest is still the harder thing he has to live with.

I'm reading this in the whitest voice possible
"I like rap!"

Agreed. He's worthless and he deserves this.

Allow me to attempt liking them.

Not only looks like, he also LOVES Staind and rocks the eff out to them.

Gary is my comment appearing like that? It looks normal for me.

That movie was unspeakably lame. To the point of being
offensive. I remember near the end when the entire crowd stands up and does the angel wing flap in unison, I could actually envision myself strangling a puppy.