
One extremely frustrating aspect for me with this topic is that the guy was treated as a backcountry genius, yet he didn't have the wherewithal to don a respirator while handling known, deadly, mental-incapacitating toxic fumes?!? Or, for that matter, didn't seem to mind exposing his customers to them? WTH? Hell,

Ignatiy was being generous with a C: saw this a few weeks ago and it's just such a bad film all around. If you are a die hard fan of the original I guess you'll get a nostalgia kick out of it?

Every time someone refers to Dynasty here in Germany by its local name "Der Denver-Clan", I just have to chuckle a bit…

I'll put in a big thumbs up for This Is Actually Happening's "What if you had a mind blowing affair". The score mixed in with the subject's ranting is incredibly enjoyable.

I tried to stick with them past Daydream Nation. Goo has aged terribly, and most anything past that album sounds like a facsimile of their earlier, inventive and incredible past. It is interesting that Confusion is Sex and their self titled one don't get more love here, but they are both great albums… essential.

I'm a little let down that the article seems to focus on the inevitable major label aftermath of any underground movement, but to leave out a host of pretty great bands (i.e., a crap load of the Amphetamine Reptile roster, a la the Cows, or (!) the first Helmet album / early Kill Rock Stars including Unwound, pretty

Yes, clearly a film about a man who drives a $20k sub-sports car and happens to have written a few tomes about one of the largest economic and socio-political issues of our day just wants to hawk a few more books.  When does the documentary on movie review inequality come out?

He still has an incredible live show, but listening to the album felt neither like an ambient album nor an electronic work.  I am looking to forward to hearing what comes after the whole bell phase though.

Clearly, you people just don't understand mumblecore.  It's deep, man…..

Clearly, you people just don't understand mumblecore.  It's deep, man…..

Does Joaquin rap in this one?  That may or may not enhance the overall movie experience for me.  Imagine if he broke out doing a Battlefield Earth inspired number for no reason in the middle of the movie.

Does Joaquin rap in this one?  That may or may not enhance the overall movie experience for me.  Imagine if he broke out doing a Battlefield Earth inspired number for no reason in the middle of the movie.

Anyone else think that they haven't done anything decent since daydream nation?  I mean, that's kind of cliche…. I remember buying Goo and liking it at the time, but there's no way I could listen to it these days and it hasn't aged well.  
Great band - but maybe they should have called it quits a loooooong time ago?

How can an almost 30 year 'open' marriage go belly up?  Was Thurston shaggin too many hipsters in Williamsburg?    Or were they arguing about which old folks home they'd be retiring to in the Village?