Thanks for agreeing.
Thanks for agreeing.
"It's much harder to do comedy than drama"
And fuck anyone who thinks his performance wasn't worthy.
Mathilda is going to give Stansfield his Oscar.
He's not a movie star because you don't like his personality?
My problem isn't with people liking him, my problem is the absolute worship directed towards him. Mind you I think he's the most overrated person on the planet.
I'm sick of people gushing over Clooney like he's the perfect man. He's the (very) poor man's Paul Newman.
I'm sorry, all I read was "blah blah blah typical George Clooney ass kissing fudgepack fudgepack fudgepack"
I'm still waiting for Albert Brooks to be referred to as Hank Scorpio during one of these award shows.
The PTA Disbands needs to start being recognized as not just one of the best Simpsons episodes ever, but one of the best episodes in the history of television. Of course, it's a fucking Season 6 episode, so that automatically launches it into that category, but that entire episode is just jam-packed with so many…
When isn't he?
Since Gary Oldman and Michael Shannon aren't even going to get nominated, I'm hoping for a Fassbender Oscar win. It'll probably go to fucking George Clooney or some twat like that though.
Better post-AD career: Jason Bateman or Michael Cera? Discuss.
The Wrestler
Speaking of M. Night Shamamalayanmanyan, I've always felt The Village had potential to be a modern horror classic if they had abandoned the lame wildlife sanctuary for people who have become jaded with society twist and had the creatures actually been real.
You're not mistaken, that was him. Check IMDB.
I like how they solved the problem of convincing everyone to come see this movie by casting Idris Elba and Michael Fassbender.
Season finale: You get a job doing stunts in the sequel to The Expendables.
So is this like a comedy version of that Kevin James movie?
You mean ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Sandra Bullock?