
I want to know what is the purpsoe and what kind of damage can and will Wendy cause next epiode. I am kind of hoping Wendys appaerance snaps Tara out of her depression.

Now will Tara's moment of clarity actually give way to her leaving with the kids or will Pineys death and funeral keep her there for just a bit longer? I shall miss PINEY!!! This is going to break Opie completely. Gemma is going to figure out that Clay took out Piney. Will she worry for Tara now and not fight her on

I have seen that throu last 3 seasons that there are moments and times were Tara and Gemma have on similar clothes and have similar stances. I have always thought that it was there way of showing us a queen - princess kind of thing. Or its just them showing us how strong and similar the two of them realy are.

I agree with you about Ima. Only she would think she could pull a gun on Jax's old lady and one of there sons that morning and that night he ould want her. She needed to be shown that he will not let her hurt Tara or the anyone else at all.

I like how at the end of it all Unser seems to have become Tara's new bodyguard. Following her making sure Clay doesnt go after her like he knows he will do. What I don't get is why Is clay going after Tara and not Piney. Tara so far has not been willing to share the information about the letters with Jax and she told