
Now who's edgy, eh?

Rob Ford is my age and looks even worse than I do. He must have been fucking up for a long long time.

He just told you what that means, and in italics too.

Allied Forces!

Klaatu were Canadian, and you can tell by listening to them.

And don't forget side 2!

Birdy - x 2

No, like Czar Nicholas I.

I heard he was born in AUSTRIA!


As long as you don't say anything negative about anyone.

I don't know, that sounds a bit "racy."

The best part is the bit at the end.

Again, no more so than his predecessors (if that's how you spell it.)

Vast areas of Australia are unsafe to enter because of marauding herds of wild camels.

No more so than the last one.

This song is at least 10 minutes longer than it needs to be

But seriously, that's a lot of shows; I hope she's looking after her vocal cords.

In my day we used to say "Well, she's in a licensed venue, she must be 18" (drinking age being 18 in my country) about any suspiciously young looking female. Then we'd buy her a drink and let nature take its course.

Say what you like about his magic, the man's a brilliant drummer.