Gui Jambon

That is indeed.

"Dave and Steve's Gay Vacation" is on the box set.

"Dave and Steve's Gay Vacation" is on the box set.

The Black Crusaders secretly control all social media.

The Black Crusaders secretly control all social media.

There's been a Honey Boo Boo joke in every episode so far this season, hasn't there?  I like that - it shows that Tina Fey hasn't forgotten the awesome power and responsibility of the pop-culture-based single-camera sitcom.  Generations yet unborn will look upon Season 7 of 30 Rock and it will tell them "look,

There's been a Honey Boo Boo joke in every episode so far this season, hasn't there?  I like that - it shows that Tina Fey hasn't forgotten the awesome power and responsibility of the pop-culture-based single-camera sitcom.  Generations yet unborn will look upon Season 7 of 30 Rock and it will tell them "look,

I agree (except for the bit about the last two seasons).  Now, if I could only come up with a distinctive misuse of the word "its" of my own, the three of us would be forever joined in a bond stronger than that of blood.  Its' something I'm going to have to work on.

I agree (except for the bit about the last two seasons).  Now, if I could only come up with a distinctive misuse of the word "its" of my own, the three of us would be forever joined in a bond stronger than that of blood.  Its' something I'm going to have to work on.

Yes, but you do realize that both their last names are actually Lutz, like, in for-reals life and stuff, right?  So that is a legitimate question to ask.  I looked around online, but only turned up the information that both Lutzes appeared in movies with the words Stick It in the title, which, if they were South

Yes, but you do realize that both their last names are actually Lutz, like, in for-reals life and stuff, right?  So that is a legitimate question to ask.  I looked around online, but only turned up the information that both Lutzes appeared in movies with the words Stick It in the title, which, if they were South

"Just out of reach" and "whenever (you're) ready," too.  And of course, "tell (her) no."

"Just out of reach" and "whenever (you're) ready," too.  And of course, "tell (her) no."

Oh god, me too.  And it was a PG-rated movie, so yer premium movie channels thought nothing of running it at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. The combination - slow death by plaster, getting dark early and parents not home yet - did a goddamn number on ten-year-old me and no mistake.

Oh god, me too.  And it was a PG-rated movie, so yer premium movie channels thought nothing of running it at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. The combination - slow death by plaster, getting dark early and parents not home yet - did a goddamn number on ten-year-old me and no mistake.

I hear you.  Idle's got a lifetime pass in my book (all the Pythons have - after all, they were the fucking Pythons); when he does shit like the Eric Idle Exploits Monty Python tour, The Rutles 2, and that New Yorker piece (which I shouldn't keep harping on, but it just made me mad - if it didn't have a recognizable

I hear you.  Idle's got a lifetime pass in my book (all the Pythons have - after all, they were the fucking Pythons); when he does shit like the Eric Idle Exploits Monty Python tour, The Rutles 2, and that New Yorker piece (which I shouldn't keep harping on, but it just made me mad - if it didn't have a recognizable

Pretty much every attempt at getting the surviving five-sixths together for one project or another has gotten pilloried by one or more of them.  Idle wanted to do a quasi-sequel to Holy Grail; Cleese demurred.  Cleese spearheaded BBC-2's thirtieth anniversary "Python Night"; Idle refused to participate, other than

Pretty much every attempt at getting the surviving five-sixths together for one project or another has gotten pilloried by one or more of them.  Idle wanted to do a quasi-sequel to Holy Grail; Cleese demurred.  Cleese spearheaded BBC-2's thirtieth anniversary "Python Night"; Idle refused to participate, other than

Did you see his "Shouts & Murmurs" piece in The New Yorker this past week?  You might want to alter the tense in that last sentence.