Hanged Jury

I just saw them in Minneapolis last Friday. I did not want that show to end.

He frolfs, he scores!

The frantic hand gesture that Elaine does as she shouts "TO YOU!" just kills me.

whoa what's this from???

Something called the Zombie Pub Crawl. I guess they figured 2 Live Crew would be perfect for it, because they were basically coming back from the dead to perform.

I saw them a few months ago in Minneapolis. They were playing for a bunch of stupid college kids dressed as zombies. They sounded very old and very tired.

If you don't post this to five videos in the next ten minutes a girl with no face will be on your ceiling tonight.

They are REAL and they are AMONG US.

Yeah, that's all well and good, but when is he going to show us his REAL birth certificate?

I don't know why I never thought of doing it before, but kicking George Lucas sounds like a fantastic idea!

I can't wait to see the Taiwanese animation of THIS one!

If I had the opportunity to sacrifice myself for Alex Proyas' art, I WOULDN'T HESITATE.

Oh great, now it's probably going to be YEARS before this comes out. IF IT EVER COMES OUT AT ALL. Why can't they just give Alex Proyas the money he needs to complete his vision? Why can't they ever learn to trust him? FUCK YOU HOLLYWOOD.

Seriously, I couldn't believe that when I read it. Mostly because I had set several Google Alerts for variations on the phrase "broadway adaptation of Kevin Kline's Dave," and somehow I still didn't find out about it until just now!

Yeah, but did you ever see the old set of White House china before Nancy replaced it? It was atrocious.

I totally agree. It's absolutely insane how blind American taxpayers are to the threat of Obama's wife and kids going on vacation. Open your eyes, sheeple!

Fun fact about Jonathan Davis that I just learned from his Wikipedia page: he knocked up a porn star and named the baby "Pirate."

Finally someone is brave enough to say what we're all thinking.

I don't know who they are, where they're from, or what they sound like, but I desperately want to go to a Dad Rocks! concert.

The Big Polanski