The C-Word

Didn't particularly like this episode on first watch. Having just seen it a second time I like it a lot more. Last scene was still a shocker though.

Steve Holt!

When Louis said "from whence you came" I had a weird thought of him being in Arrested Development. Weird.

Can't believe Chris was hustling Brody in cards! Oh, and how the f*ck did Nazir get an iPhone 5?

Can't believe Chris was hustling Brody in cards! Oh, and how the f*ck did Nazir get an iPhone 5?

Brody helped the CIA foil Nazir's plan. Surely the big buildup will be an attempted attack on Brody? After all, he is a US congressman and a "war hero". A public attack on him would serve a  number of purposes right?

Brody helped the CIA foil Nazir's plan. Surely the big buildup will be an attempted attack on Brody? After all, he is a US congressman and a "war hero". A public attack on him would serve a  number of purposes right?

Mike got his classic line again this week…"No way!"

Mike got his classic line again this week…"No way!"

Why's everyone complaining about Nazir turning up at the end? I expected him to open the door Dana knocked on at the beginning.

Why's everyone complaining about Nazir turning up at the end? I expected him to open the door Dana knocked on at the beginning.

Oh wait. Brody wasn't part of the CIA.

Oh wait. Brody wasn't part of the CIA.

OK, I am slightly confused. I thought the mole in the CIA was Brody? I assumed he handed over the razorblade to the guard. Could someone explain?

OK, I am slightly confused. I thought the mole in the CIA was Brody? I assumed he handed over the razorblade to the guard. Could someone explain?