
Each episode is better than the last
Although I did think the Pizza Boy kidnapping was kind of ridiculous. But hey, it's Michael Scott.

Does Amelie have issues distinguishing between TV and reality?
Perhaps, but I do know for damn sure she won't show up in the comments section to take responsibility for her eror.

Razz M&Ms
I tried one. It kinda blew.

They traveled TO India by train?
That's one magic fucking train.

Poop. Monkeybutt.

I love your post so much, I wanna take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

This makes me wonder
What a Calvin and Hobbes animated cartoon would be like. I definitely respect Bill Watterson for not letting it happen and keeping the strip "pure" and art on its own. But I think a well-made C&H cartoon, with Watterson's full creative input, would have been one of the best cartoons ever. I


CBS is the worst network — nay, worst THING in the world
So I was watching football on Sunday, and I'll be damned if I didn't think every single promo was for CSI. Each ad started out the exact same way: some person (usually a woman, usually sexy) dies under mysterious circumstances and some investigator has to solve

Any chance at getting Aaron Eckhart?
If not, it'll be hard for the show to be nearly as good as the movie.

I thought those duets I did were groovy! Especially the one with Bing! You know, after we recorded that we went out, got totally smashed and beat up three prostitutes. Good times.

Bud cort
is now in session!

Did you not pay attention to the zombie/undead conversation? He said that they're "alive again". He wouldn't be fucking zombies in the least.

This show was fantastic.
I really thought it lived up to all the hype and then some. People who hate it are just doing it to go against the grain, lame as that sounds.

Only Lobsters
would shit on an American icon like Norman Rockwell.

What kind of AD fans thought season 3 sucked?

Simon Pegg and Martin Freeman
They make this movie worth checking out.

I just wanna say again
That Elf was a fantastic movie. One of the only true holiday classics of this decade.

Mencia's audience
Bros. Lots and lots of moronic bros.

I've lost a lot of respect for you, Amelie.