
American Reunion was the most unbelievable of the series by suggesting all four of these guys lived to see their 13th High School Reunion. At least one of them should have died from a drug overdoes, drunk driving, "misadventure," before that point. Or at least disappeared, never to be seen again.

Eugene Levy: You know Jim, your mom always said abou- *Levy walks away from shot and beelines it to the door*
Director: Cut! Where are you going, Gene?
Camera Man (checking watch): It's 5 p.m., his contract is over.
Director: There's no clocks here. How did he know?
Camera Man: He just does.

I simply don't know what to make of Dowd. I'm fine with a critic being merciless when it comes to movies- most movies have their problems- but then Dowd gives the joyless Godzilla and over-stuffed Capt. America B pluses and the shaggy dog story American Hustle an A minus. Now I know people enjoyed all three of those

Sequel will take place in a post-apocalyptic world where Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill hunt down Kim Jong-Un for starting a nuclear war over a stupid movie.

An actor of Peter Falk's caliber is usually accused of "slumming it" for playing a television character on some NBC mystery show. But what Falk did with Columbo is so likeable, so entertaining, and so good that not only did he get a pass, he's recognize for doing something amazing with the character. Columbo is a

Because if it's one thing terrorists want to do, it's to make their bombs as noticeable as possible.

The series lost its creative energy around Sense5

No, the producers first answer would be, "a wizard did it." Hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Let's dreamcast this.

I dunno, he spent 30 years trying to make Gangs of New York. His New York films are obviously personal reflections on where he came from. The Departed seems like work, good work since it's Scorsese. But work.

It was studio work, a remake of a Chinese movie. I don't think it's something Scorsese put his heart and soul into it.

Only in the crazy world of the Oscars would anyone feel the need to compare these two movies.

Funny, Office Space could ruin the reputation of flair more than the Nazis ever did.

Why not edit the original "The People v. George Lucas" to add rocks that the fans originally intended to be there instead of making a whole new movie?

Lisa and Homer working together has created some of my fondest memories of the show. Maybe it's the brain/brawn aspect of it, but they really make an excellent team. This episode and "Lisa the Iconoclast" really captures their relationship well when they aren't at loggerheads.

The finger flick is, to me, the greatest visual gag ever on the show.

It seems strange Han Solo would still own the Millennium Falcon after all these years, considering that he should have been able to upgrade it by now. Or maybe he just likes to work on it on the weekends to take it to vintage starship shows.

What can you do? Hollywood isn't a democracy, it's a cheerocracy.

Luigi does seems like one of those guys who's really nice in most professional and personal situations, but becomes a real dick while playing Charades.