Chuckee Jesus

A recent example but
Source Code lost a shitload of its impact by refusing to end at the most logical, emotionally potent conclusion. Don't want to spoil the movie, especially as it came out so recently, but the ending they chose just caused a huge number of logical issues for the sake of tacking on a happier finish.

In terms of Buffy, I prefer to imagine it ending with season 5. That's not to say I didn't enjoy seasons 6 or 7, especially considering Once More With Feeling. But I think that Buffy had pretty much the perfect ending written, and that closing image of season five might've been one of the most iconic in all of

Here's some other classic Freeze lines they didn't cover:
"Mercy? I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy!"
" Prepare for a bitter harvest. Winter has come at last!"
"If revenge is a dish best served cold, then put on your Sunday finest. It's time to feast! "

It's working solid for me on chrome, so I think Kirk Cameron has cracked the case!

A few years back on 4/20, …aw fuck it!

Aw, that compromise has restored my faith in humanity!

I can't listen to these guys
without a big goofy smile on my face. They're like the fucking Who's from Whoville singing Fah Hoo Doraze and making me discover the true meaning of Christmas. They're just injecting happiness into your ears in musical form.

@Yeah - Woah, woah, woah back up there muchacho, season two had some of the tightest plotting out of any season of television I've seen.

I'll back up McNutt on this one, and I'm so serious about it I won't even giggle when I say "McNutt".

Norm McDonald walks up to a prostitute and offers her 10,000 dollars for sex. Stunned, she asks him what he wants to do for that kind of money.
Norm replies, "Really, I just want a blow job."
The prostitute shakes her head.
"I'm sorry that's just way to much FOR(E) HEAD!"

Regardless of what video they were watching, that scene just struck me as false. I went to a school with around 600 kids in my senior class, and a few of my classmates died that year. People were barely talking the day after, let around dicking around and laughing first period.

Not only did Ron do the tea challenge, he fucking tore through the tea challenge, using his cat-like senses of taste and smell to suss out the mango flavor a full ten minutes before the nearest competitor.

I usually disagree with Sims but I actually enjoyed this one. They only used one recurring sketch, everything else was new material. That on its own boosts it above 90% of SNL episodes

"But my question was: man or woman? Because I knew him…"

Karla Ha Ha, I know you get a lot of guff on this site, but your take on Jacob Lusk deserves a Pulitzer.

PandaTron, if you get yourself on your school's theater club (or something similar) e-mail list, you'll get sent a solid number of extra opportunities throughout the year.

Night of the Living Dead was filmed only about 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, in the town where I went to Elementary school. As far as zombie-related mistakes go, that's a pretty small one. Not like he tried to kill one by shooting it in the stomach or anything stupid like that.

Yeah, as a Pittsburgher, I'm pretty excited about this. Now I've got a chance to rekindle the flame with Anne Hathaway that started when I was an extra in Love And Other Drugs. I'm 45% sure we made accidental eye contact.

Jeselnik's got to win points for having the best closing joke ever.

7. Learned how to say "I like your hat" in as creepily as possible