Chuckee Jesus

I'm also curious about the reasoning for calling Inglorious Basterds a poopy movie. I mean a couple scenes probably went a little long, but I can't see why it isn't an immensley entertaining, Nazi-carving good time.

Sorry, that was addressed toward Genji not Jordo.

What you said about Whedon is true, and it's why I usually appreciate his work. But I don't think it necessarily is a sufficient defense of this particular episode.

I think Rowan nailed it. Where Buffy is usually about black and white, good and evil, Angel's all about the shades of grey. It's not about doing good because you're inherently good, it's about doing good in spite the evils inside of you.

Jordo: I actually hate this episode even more with the perspective of recently completing the series. Not because the events weren't foreshadowed or that it wasn't a necessary step in the season's plot arc, but because it handles it in a way that is a complete disservice to the character Xander Harris.

Very informative post Just A Note; I apologize for my dickish tone.

I remember when Luke had to do this one road block that required you to arrange these six blocks with letters on them into the name of some Russian author (I think it was Tolstoy?). Anyway, Luke was having all kinds of trouble and ended up yelling to his mom to help, even though she couldn't. And she was all "it's so

J Serious you lucky bastard; you got to see one of the two best moments in Amazing Race history with the water slide freak-out. The other one obviously is that one loud lady getting a watermelon catapulted right into her face. Her face!

"1) Pro sports are dumb, ie, the "circenses" in "panem et circenses."
2) Pro sports fans are dumb because they can stand to watch a bunch of guys play with a ball for hours on end and without a hint of irony are able to assign some higher value and morality to some dumb game.
3) Any player who has delusions of playing

I'm going to side with Sophist on this one. Not to say that I agree with the worst Buffy episode ever characterization; Xander's relationships with both a teacher praying mantis and a revived mummy both come to mind as being worse. But still, it's got to be pretty far down my own personal list.

As backward as South Dakota seriously considering a bill forward that would protect murdering abortion providers under justifiable homicide?

…and I misspelled pigeon about a dozen times while giving an in-depth description of a Hey Arnold episode. Yep, that definitely doesn't make me look like I'm 12.

I fucking loved Hey Arnold as a kid, but it holds up even better in retrospect. Despite having an enormous cast of around 25 characters, it managed to do right by each of them. Every character had multiple episodes centered around them, and every character got the chance to be the protagonist of their own stories.

Agreed on this one. I hate all the unconstructive bitching going here. I have no problem voicing a disagreement with a review, but if your criticism is "people who don't like the show shouldn't be allowed to review it" or "ugh, I hated reading that thing I just read," your time could really be spent better going

Way to be Derp! Best part of the country for football and 'roided up clowns!

No-one's wants the Arrested Development movie? I know it probably wouldn't live up to the TV show, but it'd make me happy on a visceral level regardless. Seeing Gob and Franklin singing another duet, seeing Tobias in his never-nude jean shorts again, and seeing Buster with his fake hand one last time would make

HOLY SHIT Hollyhox. Buffo the clown did like two different birthday parties and one random community event when I was a kid. A six year-old me was even used as a prop in his act: he had two kids hang on his sweaty biceps as he ripped a telephone. I was one of those kids! And he threw one of the eggs he was juggling

I have a problem with saying anything about 2010 as a musical year just yet, and I've got a handy little anecdote to help me say why.

I was curious about all the hype 2007 has, so here's what a cursory google search turned up. LCD Soundsystem - Sounds of Silver, The National - Boxer, Arcade Fire - Neon Bible, Kanye West - Graduation, Radiohead - In Rainbows, MIA - Kala, Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, Panda Bear - Person Pitch, The Shins - Wincing the Night

That was the most menacing rendition of "Jesus loves the little children," I've ever seen. Maybe it would've helped if he didn't move his lifeless eyes around as he sang?