This aggression will not stand, man. This unchecked aggression against Beck will not stand.
This aggression will not stand, man. This unchecked aggression against Beck will not stand.
Sorry, make that 5'4" and 134 lbs.
Worst. Game. Ever.
I want a "real" godzilla, that is 5'8" and 190 lbs like the average american man.
Now I want a Halo Game where Master Chief is built like Comic Book Guy!
Compare this to average European body types…pretty sure all of Europe does not have an eating disorder…unless you count putting mayonnaise on french fries.
Yeah, if you are constantly raiding toombs, that burns a lot of calories!
Not to brag, but my wife looks like the blue chick (before photoshop) except, you know, not blue. And she doesn't really work out. Some people are just naturally thin with big boobs.
I know, I thought they were going to make lara croft look like a female MMA fighter…how are you gonna be a crime fighter without muscles?
All of these examples should now be made into buddy-cop movies.
Kevin is not the only one who wants to eat her.
Do you think he would have fared better with the stache?
Too soon, asian Daniel Craig. Too soon!
It's like when David Spade made that movie with Artie Lang as a replacement. I knew Chris Farley, and you sir, are no Chris Farley!
I bought it (used) on Blu-Ray!!! Does that count?
The worst thing is that Funny People showed he is self-aware, and he just doesn't care.
I'd rather see a movie about what would happen if Sandler invented the fing-longer.
MM deserves better. She is great in pretty much everything she is in.
I hope someone was fired for that blunder!
"Aye aye aye! El uno ringo es malo!"